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When You Look Into The Mirror, Who Looks Back?

When you look in the mirror what do you see? Do you see yourself, grown and confident? Or do you see that younger version of yourself that didn't have the skills or mindset to maintain?

For many years that young boy was who I saw the majority of the time. The boy who had doubts about if he could make it. The boy who was so out of touch with reality, because facing reality meant he had to face the demons inside himself. It was too painful to go that deep at that time, to look back at the dysfunction that created the boy who couldn't see the difference between stealing and armed robbery. The boy who had no skills, no empathy and was constantly in a survival state.

So much of who we are is rooted in those first 18-24 years of our lives and the good, the bad and the ugly. It is how we gain a sense of who we are and who are capable of being. When I looked at that boy in the mirror I used to be disgusted with what I saw, embarrassed of what I saw and shameful of who I was.

When I look at that boy now, I look at him with compassion and empathy. He knew no better, he had no positive role models, he had no parental guidance or encouragement to be more. Digging into the deepest parts of myself was painful, but it was for the greater good for me, my friends and family and essentially anyone I come into contact with. Digging helped me create CCMC (Confidence + Competencies = Mindset Change.

In creating CCMC I learned a lot about my journey and ways I can reach others regardless of what point they are at in their journey. It is the power of self-reflection and questioning everything. It is the power of not being connected to beliefs that no longer serve you and are counterproductive to who you aspire to be.

I encourage people to buy this book in December when it comes out not because this is a disingenuous sales tactic, but because there is value in what you will read and principles that you can apply to your daily life. This book will challenge assumptions and that is what is necessary for growth. I will continue to update you all on the pre-order dates and official release date soon.

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